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Seanitude Version 2.0
This is the personal web outlet for Sean McDonald. Now serving 25% more Auburn, Bama and Ole Miss hatred.
Friday, April 21, 2006

I thought this was going to be about Jazz Fest...

I was all ready to come on here and post about my Jazz Fest plans next Friday and to ask if I was insane to want to see Cowboy Mouth while Bob Dylan is on another stage and Dr. John while Ani DiFranco is on another stage. All because Johnny Sketch is playing next Friday.

But then I logged on to my bank's website to find there was a lot more cash in my checking account than there should be. Then I looked at it and saw that I had two checks returned. Who were they from? The IRS. Turns out Whitney didn't post a transfer from one account to another and so there wasn't cash in the checking account to cover my 2005 taxes and first quarter 2006 taxes. So now I have an NSF Fee and will be getting a bounced check and late payment penalty from the IRS.


But if anyone wants to go with me to Jazz Fest next Friday let me know.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Dating StrengthsDating Weaknesses
1. Open-Mindedness - 81.8%
2. Financial Situation - 76.9%
3. Independence - 71.4%
4. Intelligence - 71.4%
5. Spirituality - 69.2%
1. Humorlessness - 75%
2. Appearance - 66.7%
3. Pessimism - 66.7%
4. Shyness - 66.7%
5. Insecurity - 61.5%

Dating Strengths Explained
Open-Mindedness - You are open to trying new things and entertaining new ideas, and this widens your pool of available girls.
Financial Situation - You've got your financial situation under control, which is a very desirable quality. Be careful to avoid girls who are only interested in your money.
Independence - Your strong sense of independence comes in handy while dating. You are not held back or tied down; you are free to pursue your interests.
Intelligence - Your sharp intellect is a valuable asset. Use your intelligence wisely; avoid condescension. Quiet, confident intelligence is very attractive.
Spirituality - Your spiritual side brings you peace and balance, and keeps you grounded. This is attractive, as you can help reinforce this quality in other people.

Dating Weaknesses Explained
Humorlessness - You need to learn how to take a joke, or better yet how to tell a good one. A well-developed sense of humor is high on the list of desired traits for daters.
Appearance - Devoting a greater effort at making good first impressions is a must. Try to be fit and develop a style if you want to catch a girl's attention.
Pessimism - Too much cynicism can be a turn-off. Try to see the brighter side of things and people will be attracted to your positive outlook.
Shyness - You know all too well the limits shyness places on you. Putting yourself out there in social situations may be difficult, but essential to your dating success.
Insecurity - Your insecurity makes you doubt yourself, but you must learn to love and trust yourself if you want to succeed in dating.

Take the Dating Diversions Latest Online Dating Quiz


Song of the Moment
Go To The Mardi Gras
Recoded by: ME!

"If we must take this war into their homes and burn them to the ground, we will do so."
-Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
President, Louisiana State University
Weight Watchers Log
Current Weigh-In (2/1/06)219.5
Initial Weigh-In (3/30/05)322.2
Total Change in Weight-102.7
60% Off Heart-Shaped Candy