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Seanitude Version 2.0
This is the personal web outlet for Sean McDonald. Now serving 25% more Auburn, Bama and Ole Miss hatred.
Sunday, July 30, 2006

GameDay Final: Bluegrass Miracle

Tie Guy!


Thursday, July 20, 2006

General Master Shake


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Pee Wee's Playhouse

So Adult Swim has rotated out Mission Hill for Pee Wee's Playhouse. I'm thinking this is great, I used to love this show.

I've watched for the past two nights and I have no idea how watching this as a kindergardener didn't lead to a life on cocaine. For those of you that don't remember, let me summarize a few of the weekly mindfuck highlights:

Pee Wee Herman (weekly exposure to should have been enough to mess us up)
Phil Hartman as a drunken sailor
Claymation dinosaurs in the wall and claymation talking food in the fridge
A glowing genie head that led everyone in chants of mekalekahi mekalekiho for five minutes at the end of every show
Laurence Fishburne (yes, that Laurence Fishburne) as a gay cowboy
Pee Wee's Hawaiian pool/beach boy that never wore a shirt (despite the playhouse's indoor, mountain location)

Now, the show's fun to watch in a "just think how funny this would be if I were high" kind of way, but to think I grew up loving this show scares me to death. I guess it could be worse... it could have been Barney.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Late Night Projects

Why am I such a late night work animal? I realized earlier today that in order to have my master bedroom ready for furniture next Wed (I bought a set on clearance at Kornmeyer's yesterday) and after seeing how my office floor looked with my new LayZBoy (going out of business sale @ Kirshman's), I needed to carpet clean everything today. I started moving furniture out of the master bedroom at around 9:50. Its 11:15and I'm about to start carpet cleaning. Hopefully I'll be able to cross the bedroom floor to get to the bathroom (to shower and get dressed) in the morning.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

4 Day Weekend

I've told everyone including myself for weeks this would be a 4 day weekend.

Yesterday I worked 11 hours.

Today I write this at work as I print out a draft for reivew.

I'll probably be in tomorrow putting the report together and getting the secretaries to compile it so I can sign it.

Some 4 day weekend.


Song of the Moment
Go To The Mardi Gras
Recoded by: ME!

"If we must take this war into their homes and burn them to the ground, we will do so."
-Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
President, Louisiana State University
Weight Watchers Log
Current Weigh-In (2/1/06)219.5
Initial Weigh-In (3/30/05)322.2
Total Change in Weight-102.7
60% Off Heart-Shaped Candy