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Seanitude Version 2.0
This is the personal web outlet for Sean McDonald. Now serving 25% more Auburn, Bama and Ole Miss hatred.
Friday, March 31, 2006

I went to look at a house today. Grossly overpriced of course. Then saw the house next door was FSBO (For Sale By Owner). Pulled out the forms and saw that its owned by a residential appraiser our office knows.  We made an offer over the phone and its been accepted, just waiting for the purchase agreement to come back. Check out my soon to be new home here.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

One Year of Weight Watchers

I did my weekly weigh-in tonight, and when I got home to put it on the spreadsheet, I realized today marks the end of week 52 (year 1)! So I decided to post my year 1 chart:

The little graphics are for my birthday, holidays and that bitch Katrina.

One year ago, I was at 322.2 lbs and tonight I weight in at 205.5 lbs, a total loss of 116.7 lbs. Yeah just felt like putting an update out there on a "milestone" day. I would go get some Cold Stone in celebration, but I just had to give up ice cream for Lent. Oh well.

In other news, I put an offer out on a house that hasn't been rejected yet!


New Tailgate Equipment

The Orleans Parish Public School System is auctioning off flooded school busses on eBay. Seriously, a bunch of people throw in a few hundred dollars, fix it up, get an RV pass and its tailgate time.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I am decoratively challenged

I looked at a house to buy today. I really like the layout and neighborhood. But the house needs work.... new floors, new paint. Owner said its been about 20 years since its been updating. Kitchens and bathrooms are in decent shape, just need to patch up the crown molding above the kitchen cabinets.

While I've spent most of the day running numbers in my head, I just had another thought enter.... colors. What would I want? I have no idea. I suck at decorating. There's basically nothing on my walls at the apartment. My office has 3 things hanging, my LSU Diploma, a ceramic plate of Country Day and a cheaply framed LSU football schedule. That's it.

So, if I buy this house, I'm really going to need some major help from whoever out there is good at decorating. The whole house will need painting, new carpet/tile, etc. Volunteers? I do have limits... no pinks/fuscias, etc. Otherwise, I'll be ready to let someone to go to town... I just have veto power.


Song of the Moment
Go To The Mardi Gras
Recoded by: ME!

"If we must take this war into their homes and burn them to the ground, we will do so."
-Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
President, Louisiana State University
Weight Watchers Log
Current Weigh-In (2/1/06)219.5
Initial Weigh-In (3/30/05)322.2
Total Change in Weight-102.7
60% Off Heart-Shaped Candy